Your Horoscope Reveals Your Attitude Towards Love & Relationships


While we all probably know our Sun sign, and the positive and negative attributes normally associated with it, how many of us know our Venus sign placement? This is all about our attitude to love, treasured possessions, intimacy, relationships and what we value.

The position of Venus in your birth chart is either in your birth sign or up to two signs before or after. Men, your Venus will say a lot about what you find attractive in a woman, for better or worse!


Venus in Aries is ardent, enthusiastic, impulsive, passionate and thrill-seeking. Attractions come quickly but can fade rapidly as well. The secret lies in choosing a partner who can keep those fires burning.

As soon as the excitement of the chase wears off the eye may start wandering. Men with Venus in Aries can fall for women who bubble over with energy and vitality, always ready for a spot of adventure. A slim figure and bold attitude will always catch their eye.


Comfortably at home in her own sign, Venus in Taurus luxuriates in all the better things in life. Good food, beautifully appointed surroundings, lushly landscaped gardens, music and quality in everything. Romantic, sensual and possessive, this Venus position can seem a little greedy and indolent at times but is such delightful company it can be overlooked.

Men with Venus in Taurus like a woman who dresses impeccably, even in jeans, smells amazing and sounds good to the ear. If she is a whizz in the kitchen, it should be a done deal.


Gemini Venus loves to communicate, and nothing turns them on more than a partner who can keep up with their banter and keep them entertained. In fact, anyone who can’t, won’t stay the distance.

Variety is the spice of life for this Venus placement, and curiosity may see them having more than one string to their bow. The key to winning, and keeping, their attention is to keep them on their toes by surprising them with novel date ideas and riveting conversations. 


When Venus is in emotional, nurturing Cancer, it takes on the best and worst attributes of the sign. Sensitive, moody, security-seeking and sometimes easily offended, but also caring, home-loving, romantic, and affectionate, these lovely people have so much to give.

For anyone who thrives on being cossetted and mothered, it sounds like a perfect mate. If possessiveness scares the living daylights out of you, leave while you can.


How could Venus hide her light under a bushel in fiery, dramatic Leo? The sign of drama, flamboyance and creativity, Venus needs her share of attention and respect in this regal sign.

People with this placement can be generous to a fault; extravagant and lavish with affection. That is just part of what makes them so lovable. Big-hearted and dignified, they expect and deserve a mate who can bask in their radiant glow.


How can romantic Venus express herself in fact-driven, practical, analytical Virgo you wonder? It is tough, we admit. Giddy head-over-heels in love is not Virgo’s thing, so don’t look for massive outpourings of sentiment with this gal or guy.

Book recommendations, or a visit to a save-the-environment meeting as are about as romantic as it gets. But you can generally count on stability, kindness and dependability, as well as good hygiene and a healthy diet.


Could it get more romantic than this? Ruler of Libra, Venus is totally at home here. Sociable, flirtatious and charming, this is a sign that idealizes relationships and marriage, and when it doesn’t meet their expectations, keeps on trying to find their perfect match.

Sometimes they will opt for a peaceful life, and try to create harmony, even if they secretly dream of a love that would fulfil their dreams. Art, and the finer things of life also play an important role in keeping them happy.


Intense, passionate, jealous and intimate, Venus in Scorpio is a force to be reckoned with. Once you are in their sights, you don’t stand a chance. They exude mystery and seduction, and have a magnetic, mesmerizing gaze that can attract in a few unforgettable moments. Once they claim you for their own, however, they can be fiercely loyal, so long as their partner doesn’t step out of line. And be sure, their ability to ferret out any secrets or catch someone cheating are unparalleled.


How can relationship-focused Venus work in freedom-loving, adventurous Sagittarius? By taking on those qualities of course. OK, so it may not be the most consistent and cozy of unions with people with this Venus placement, but anyone who is up for a spontaneous life full of the unexpected, will never be able to complain of feeling bored. Always ready to take off for new destinations, they need a travel companion who is as zany and thirsty for excitement as they are.


Capricorns are known for their ability to map out a successful life plan and work towards it. Which is not always a bad thing. Venus in Capricorn embraces this philosophy and is very selective about finding a partner who can share that vision.

It may sound dull, but for anyone who values consistency and security, there couldn’t be a better mate. You will be expected to work tirelessly towards that goal as well. There is no such thing as a free ride! But on the upside, that earthy, sensual Capricorn nature really knows when to rev things up.


Independent, individualistic and sometimes eccentric, Venus can feel totally confused in Aquarius. Sometimes she just can’t get why people would want to commit to each other for life, let alone a whole week.

Unless of course, they are working on an insane project together, or battling some form of injustice. And all that lovey-dovey stuff, those caresses and pointless silences. To be honest, these lovely creatures are often more comfortable with a group of like-minded friends than in a claustrophobic union. Catch them if you can!


Nobody loves being in love more than someone with Venus in Pisces. Sensitive, romantic, caring and sentimental, their hearts sometimes go through life being battered, bruised and broken. Yet, they rise again, forgiving and ready to forget, always willing to pour out their gentle affection to those they care for, placing the needs of others above their own.

So few people truly deserve such devotion, but those who understand what a gem they have found, rarely let him or her go. 

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