Fermented Chili Paste by Mantis

Fermented Chili Paste by Mantis

Use this recipe provided by Chef Haya as a canvas to create whatever flavor you want. Add more garlic or a bit of sugar to cool down the heat, and feel free to throw in some of your desired herbs and spices … just paint whatever feels right! Enjoy this paste as a topping on any dish you like.

450 g fresh red chilies – stem snipped
10 g salt
5 g vinegar
5 g garlic – finely chopped


Place red chilies in a food processor or finely chop by hand, then mix in salt and vinegar before transferring into a jar.

Cover with a cheesecloth for the process of lacto fermentation, to take a breath of fresh air and bubble comfortably.

Keep at room temperature and stir around three times a day.

Let it ferment for 4 to 5 days or until it reaches desired fermentation flavor.

Place in food processor again; add in chopped garlic, process until it turns into a smooth paste.

Place in sterilized jars and top with a drizzle of olive oil to eliminate undesired bacterial growth.

It can be stored in the fridge for months