In the Stars: Your March Horoscopes


By Maeri Frances March 2020 Horoscopes

For all of you who have stumbled and blundered your way through the last days of February, take heart. Mercury will get back in line from the 10th of March, allowing you to get things back in order, sort of. Pisces season can get a bit loopy at the best of times, if you know what I mean.

P.S. Don’t forget to read your rising sign as well if you know it. | 

Happy Birthday, Pisces!
Your dreams may hold important messages.

If you can avoid taking financial risks during the first week it should be a positive month overall. Visits and get-togethers are highlighted, plenty of good vibes flowing there. In fact, this is a great month for mending fences, so get back on good terms with relatives and neighbors, and catch up on emails.

Aries: And the money comes rolling in.

But it can roll out just as quickly if you don’t take care. This is a perfect time for hitting the malls and maxing the credit cards. You may find irresistible items you just can’t live without on the 8th. Pressure steps up during the period of the 20th to the 26th of March, especially on the career front. Play nice, people are watching!

Taurus: Looking pretty!

Well, you always look great, let’s face it, but as March gets under way you are at your radiant best. Schedule a special date on the 8th and things should go swooningly well. The icing on the cake comes when career matters seem to get back on track after the 10th, leaving you with most of your bases covered. By the 22nd, the scope of new responsibilities becomes clearer, but no pain no gain, as they say.

Gemini: Embrace a new vision of you.

This month is a biggie for Gemini, and Air signs in general. Your ruling planet Mercury turns direct in your philosophical 9th house, and also paves the way for taskmaster Saturn to begin his sojourn in Aquarius as well. Your ever active mind is ready to find a new focus, where a lot of trivia is swept to the side and you hone in on what really matters to you. Be gentle with yourself, slow and easy does it.

Cancer: Patch up relationships March 2020 Horoscopes

True, it’s been a rough road recently with close ties, but with Saturn moving on, and Jupiter opening up new opportunities, you can safely feel optimistic. Importantly, you need to accept that joint finances play a big role in how smoothly things proceed. No more splashing the cash, you hear? If you have been taking advantage of someone’s affections, the 23rd could be a day to watch.

Leo: Love ‘em or leave ‘em.

If you have been unsure about a relationship or partnership, here comes crunch time! It’s a call to either get real about what is needed or extricate yourself, graciously. Saturn’s entry into your solar 7th house asks for a grown-up response, where responsibilities are part of any deal.  Just to be sure that the message gets across, as Mars joins the fray on the 30th. Expect a few fireworks.

Virgo: Get back into a healthier lifestyle. March 2020 Horoscopes

Virgo has a reputation for being super-picky and being rather obsessed with diet and fitness. So why then, when you slip off the rails, do you manage to go to the other extreme in such style? This March you will probably get a not-so-gentle prod to remind you that you are only kidding yourself, and it’s time to get serious. Eat healthy, exercise and get enough rest, you know the drill.

Libra: Life takes a more serious turn.

Hedonist that you can be, now it is time to sit up and become more aware of what is happening around you while you play your days away.  Creativity, hobbies and adventure are all very well, but you need to look at the practical side a little more closely. Do they drain your cash, or generate income? Questions like this will come under the microscope soon.

Scorpio: Family needs to come first

You are desperately in need of some down-time, a chance to let your hair down and party. Your nearest and dearest will probably be really supportive of the idea as well. Money matters are looking good, but looking at the big picture it seems that home and family will start to demand more time and money. Give that extra little bit of love to older family members, especially mom!

Sagittarius: Commonsense rules.

Recent months should have seen you feeling more financially secure, so you need to develop a mindset to match. Your happy-go-lucky attitude needs to be tightened up a tad, especially when it comes to communication and transportation. Carelessness has no place in Cairo traffic, so avoid risks and keep your car well serviced. Your best days for fun are around the 28th and 29th.

Capricorn: Watch the pennies.

If anyone knows how to be frugal, it’s you Capricorn. Your skills are going to be tested even further with your planetary ruler Saturn taking up residence in your income sector. This is where your organizing skills need to come to the fore, so read the small print in contracts, manage your time and energy. Did we say to stick to a disciplined budget as well? On the up side, there are loads of great opportunities coming your way as well.

Aquarius: Time to bite the bullet.

Freedom comes first for you, and you aren’t the easiest person to force a structured routine on. But your key to success, and survival, will depend largely on how you can adjust to a new reality, no matter how distasteful it may seem. If you were born around the 21st of January you will be the first in line to get the message. The 30th of March needs all your patience and resourcefulness. 2020 Horoscopes

Our monthly horoscopes are brought to you by Maeri Frances, a consulting astrologer with over 30 years’ experience. Exclusive to our publications, we brings tips for each Sun sign on how to avoid the pitfalls and ride the highs with each month’s horoscopes. |

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