12 Secrets Women Wish Men Knew

Holding the door, offering your jacket and carrying heavy stuff for us are three of them but if you really want to find out secret things women love when men do read on!

By Mariam Elhamy

  1. Being kind to others. Whether you’re nice to someone on the street or you put some water for a stray on a hot day. Women love it when men show kindness.
  2. Being sensitive. Being tough and manly is overrated, as much as a woman wants you to be her rock, but she’ll always appreciate it if you show your sensitive side.
  3. Making an effort. Know your flaws and work on them. Women love personal growth so when they see you being honest about your shortcomings they’ll be more than understanding.
  4. Taking it slow. Women really appreciate a man who takes his time and doesn’t rush into things.
  5. Giving out compliments. Most women are self-conscious about their looks so when they make an effort you have to acknowledge it. Women like to be told they look nice, and they like a man who notices without being told.
  6. Not fearing defining the relationship. Women love it when a man knows what he wants and is not afraid to go after it. Being terrified of talking about the relationship is a sign of immaturity.Secrets Women Wish Men Knew
  7. Staying romantic. Women will always swoon for a sweet text, some flowers or a romantic gesture so keep those coming and don’t get lazy.
  8. Placing your hand around her waist, back or shoulders, especially when you’re talking to someone else or occupied with something. It makes a woman feel like even if you’re busy, she has your attention.
  9. Fixing stuff. Women find it totally attractive when a guy is handy and can fix stuff. Doing chores is a very attractive quality too because it shows they can count on you.Secrets Women Wish Men Knew
  10. Being good with kids. Most women love kids and they love a guy who can deal with them. Being close to your family is a big plus too.
  11. Owning a dog. Having a dog means you can be compassionate and responsible for something other than yourself.
  12. Cooking. What’s more attractive than a woman who knows how to cook? A MAN!Secrets Women Wish Men Knew

10 Things Men Do That Women Hate