Shaping up Perfectly

The Art of Body-sculpting

By Hilary Diack

Have you ever met up with a friend and wondered how they managed to regain their youthful figure in such a short time? Was it simply a die t and exercise program, or something more?  Leading cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr. Hani Nabil, a man who helps so many people to look their absolute best, met with Cairo East Magazine and explained how InShape Clinic can get us back into enviable form.

CEM: Body-sculpting seems to be a hot topic these days, what do we need to know about it?

HN: Yes, it is definitely an important development in the field of cosmetic procedures. This is why we have highly qualified medical professionals on our team who have experience in all facets of body-sculpting, be it Vaser, cryolipolysis or Endermolab. Of course, it is just a part of the many services offered at InShape.

Can body-sculpting be seen as a fast-track to getting into shape?

At InShape we feel it is important to view things holistically. Our philosophy and mission is to have each person who comes to us benefit from the facilities and procedures that we offer in a way that boosts their psychological state, self-esteem, self-confidence and body image, along with an improved state of overall wellness. Each person has specific needs, which we assess so we can guide them as to what will work best for them. Definitely body-sculpting plays an important role, and is often used as part of an overall body-enhancement plan.

What is Vaser, and when is it used?

Vaser, which stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, is a third-generation ultrasound-assisted liposuction tool. It is used for suctioning excess fat out of target areas of the body to create a slim, muscular and athletic appearance in different areas of the body. We consider that it is lipo-sculpting, rather than liposuction, as it enables us to be highly selective regarding the fat cells targeted. It is very effective for waist definition, in cases of double chins,  ‘tummy bulge’, ‘saddlebag’ thighs, ‘love handles’ and ‘pot belly’ in men.

How does Vaser work?

It delivers energy in pulses through a specially designed probe, after the target area has been injected with saline. The probe is inserted through a tiny opening, and it extracts the melted fat cells that have been broken down by the ultrasound. Local anaesthesia is used, so there is minimal discomfort. It does not impact other body tissues, so there is less oedema and bleeding.

What are the benefits of Vaser over older forms of liposuction?

As mentioned, we can be much more selective in choosing the areas of fat, which allows us to define the desired shape with greater accuracy. Multiple areas can be treated at one time. We can now aspirate up to 10 litres of fat, which is double the amount manageable in older liposuction procedures. This is roughly equivalent to two clothing sizes. There is a shorter recovery period, and a person can usually drive home after a one hour procedure.

Are there any side effects?

There can be light bruising, but this normally disappears after a week. It is essential to have the procedure carried out by a fully trained and qualified practitioner, if done incorrectly it can sometimes result in sub-dermal scarring. We have ensured that our procedures meet the highest standards, our Vaser sessions are carried out in-clinic and are supervised by our American surgeon who has undergone comprehensive training on this US-made machine.

Is anyone a suitable candidate for Vaser?

So long as they are generally in good health, and not morbidly obese. This is a body-sculpturing tool, not a weight loss procedure. For that we would suggest our nutrition and diet program, along with a suitable exercise regime. In some cases we might recommend a gastric balloon to reduce the stomach capacity as well. When a desirable weight has been achieved, that is where body-sculpture can really come into play by tightening the skin, removing cellulite, removing any remaining stubborn areas of fat, and re-defining those important curves.

If there has been a very large amount of weight loss, a tummy-tuck (abdominoplasty) might be advised when the optimum weight level has been achieved to remove excess skin in the lower abdomen. This is a surgical procedure, but should not require a general anaesthetic, as epidural or spinal anaesthesia is effective.

What do you suggest for anyone with a small area of stubborn fat that needs removing?

This is a common complaint, those little bulges that will not disappear, no matter how much you exercise or how hard you diet. Cryolipolysis, or ‘fat-freezing’ is the perfect tool. The procedure involves selecting an area of hard-to-budge fat, inserting it into a freezing module, which then gauges how much can be removed, with the optimum length of time and temperature. The time of a session is generally around 40 minutes. 25% of the fat cells involved can be permanently removed in the primary session, with a further 25% in a follow-up session 30 -40 days later.

Is it risky or painful?

There may be a slight numbness and redness immediately after a session, but there is no recovery time required. It is suitable for all ages and body types so long as there are no contraindicating conditions like anaemia or skin lesions. Of course, we do not carry the procedure out on women during pregnancy.

Does it leave any scarring?

It is a painless non-invasive procedure, so there are no scars.

How can we tackle cellulite?

Endermolab, based on cellular stimulation offers an effective natural, non-invasive, slimming and anti-ageing treatment. Endermolab delivers a massage administered with independent motorised rollers that energize and firm the different layers of tissue and skin. It fights excess fat, especially on the thighs, the buttocks, the stomach and the hips along with an anti-ageing action thanks to its dynamic stimulation of body and cells.

How many sessions would be needed?

Generally, a course of six sessions gives a rewarding result. It depends on each case, of course. Our experienced team would give an assessment before the treatment.

What is your advice for anyone thinking of carrying out a body-sculpting procedure?

It is important to be realistic in your expectations, not only regarding any physical enhancement, but also the impact you want it to have on your life in general. At InShape our experienced team is always available to discuss any details relating to what our services can do you help you on your path to getting into great shape, in every possible way.

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