Raising the Barre on Fitness

Borrowing Exercises from Ballet

By Lydia Schoonderbeek

The quest for enjoyable ways of keeping in shape never end, and believing that every woman has a ballerina hidden somewhere inside her, Cairo West Magazine jumped at the opportunity to chat with Sabrina Dedeurwaerder, a qualified NYLA Barre Instructor now in Cairo.

What is Barre Fitness?

Barre fitness is one of the most effective fitness program for women. This ballet-inspired full-body workout uses your own body weight as resistance as well as some props such as a ballet barre, exercise ball and light weights. All major muscle groups are targeted through intense interval sets, performing low impact and small isometric movements, until muscles reach their point of fatigue. At this point, muscles are stretched for relief to create a slender figure with long, supple, feminine muscles without bulk.

How does Barre Fitness differ from other fitness programs?

One of the main elements of Barre Fitness is that it combines small dynamic movements with isometric exercises, rather than focusing on large compound movements like most other fitness programs do. Isometric exercises help isolate specific muscles to develop the optimum muscle contraction without shortening the muscle. This fires up your muscles quickly and reaches the many smaller muscles that women love to tone.

What are some of the benefits of Barre Fitness?

Before you know it, you will stand taller with an improved posture. Longer and leaner muscles, enhanced flexibility, reduced body fat and increased fitness levels are also part of the deal.

Is Barre Fitness a passing trend or is it here to stay?

It is definitely here to stay! The barre trend has been growing steadily in the U.S. for the past 10 years and has already started spreading across the ocean, especially in the UK and in the U.A.E. As soon as you start seeing the results on your body, you will become addicted to your barre class.

What does Barre Fitness work on most effectively?

Barre Fitness targets all problem areas by sculpting a cinched waistline, a lifted seat, strong and toned feminine abs, it provides high definition and length in arm and leg muscles.

How many calories can a person burn in a class?

About 300 to 600 calories can be burned in an hour-long class, depending on the person’s metabolism, weight and fitness level, amongst others factors. The leaner your muscles get, the faster your metabolism becomes and the more calories your body will burn.

Can Barre Fitness help weight loss?

It can help to lose weight. The weight might not vary greatly initially as you will lose body fat and gain lean muscle which is heavier than fat, but the muscle gain will tighten your figure in a visible way.

How often should a person take a Barre Fitness class?

Three to five classes per week would start providing visible results within 3 weeks.

Can a woman take a class if she is pregnant?

Pregnant women who were already working out prior to pregnancy can definitely keep on coming to class provided that their doctor authorises fitness practice.

How about if a person has an injury?

The class is low-impact and modifications can be provided to help people work out safely provided they get their doctor’s approval.

Sabrina Dedeurwaerder: After a successful career in banking in the City of London and having been a fitness enthusiast for many years, Sabrina embarked on a fitness career to share her passion for Barre Fitness by developing classes in Cairo.