Online Personal training

Online Personal training

The latest fitness fad is for personal trainers to work with their clients by email rather than in person.

By Lydia Schoonderbeek


The popularity of online personal training is on the rise. In many ways, it’s exactly like being trained by an expert in a gym, you’re given a personalized program that you have to fulfill in order to attain your goals. The crucial difference of course, is that the trainer isn’t next to you when you work out. But recently most people find it an effective and time-efficient way to work out, others may miss the personal touch of a face-to-face session, but you can train and take your personal trainer with you wherever you go either on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. That being said, there are definitely some pros and cons to using an online person trainer.

Most of us cannot afford to have a personal trainer with us at every session, therefore online training is a valuable and cost-effective method for continuous training and weight loss and overall productivity enhancement that provides individuals with a dedicated personalized program tailored to their needs.

The Positives

1. Access to expert advice. Many international fitness professionals are already offering online versions of their training services, which is great, because it provides instant access to highly skilled trainers. A good reputation can travel a long way in the fitness industry, so online training allows people to work under big name trainers.  And it’s not just the big names you can seek out: online training also gives you access to specialists in specific areas. Rather than be limited to the knowledge base of the trainers at your local gym, you can call upon the advanced understanding of people from all over the world.

2. Easy to understand a trainer’s ability. With our digital world as socially connected as it is, you can learn a lot about a potential online trainer long before you make first contact.

3. Freedom of location and time. Having an online personal trainer deliver a workout program to you electronically means that you can access your workout on your mobile devices at any time and in any location, which is great for those that travel frequently or do not want to be restricted by gym opening times.

4. On-going support. Many online trainers provide comprehensive online support in the form of answers to emails, dietary guidelines and the ability to have your weekly food journal assessed. With these perks built into the initial upfront costs you are guaranteed personal attention throughout your customer experience.

The Negatives

Nobody spotting for correct technique. Due to the remote nature of online training, by definition there is no live trainer spotting for correct technique. This could drastically reduce the efficiency of the workout, and even make it dangerous.

Motivation. While a high quality program can be delivered with ease over the phone or by email, there’s zero guarantee that it will be successfully completed. One of the main benefits of working with a personal trainer is that they get you through your workouts even when you don’t want to be there. That extra motivation – to actually turn up at the gym, and to push through tough workouts – just isn’t available through an online program.

Here are just some of the sites you can research if you are interested in training online:






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