New Year, New Smiles: Tabibi’s Guide to your Newborn’s Development

During a child’s first year, development occurs at a faster rate than at any time later in life. Developmental progress differs from child to child.

The first 6 months:

0- One month

Right away, at the age of two weeks, a lot of newborns start to recognize voices. Additionally, they can begin to communicate through sounds and movements. At the one month mark, you will begin to notice a smile on your baby’s face for the very first time.

A heartwarming experience, even if it might only be a reflex. It is also important to note that newborns tend to sleep a lot, which is crucial to their development; however, they must be woken up to be fed.

Two months

At the age of two months, newborns begin to develop another skill, grabbing. You might start to notice that your newborn is holding onto your fingers, hand, or any item they might be able to reach.

As they grow, they continue to develop their communication by making different sounds, like gargling, cooing, or even using their whole body. It is also prevalent for a baby to communicate through crying.

Three months

At the age of three months, a baby might start to recognize faces, especially the mother and father. As their bodies develop, you might notice that the baby can lift their head up for a few minutes while lying on their back. They will also start to roll around, so it is imperative to never keep them out of your sight.

Four months

When your baby reaches four months old, the neck muscles start becoming stronger, allowing them to support their neck for more extended periods. As they start using their eyes more, the baby will be very curious about the world around them. Show interest in what they find interesting and try to communicate with them, even by making simple sounds.

Five months

Linguistic skills develop quite rapidly from 5 months and above. You might find that your baby can start recognizing their name at this period, so it is a great time to begin communicating with your newborn throughout the day.

Six months

When your child reaches six months, they will be able to sit up with some support. They will be able to roll in both directions and even follow the voices and sounds they hear and find interesting. You can start playing “peekaboo”, by hiding behind your hand and then surprising them. It is an enjoyable way for both you and your baby to bond.

At this age, you can start exchanging some meals during the day for solid food – put on a bib and be prepared, it will get messy!

You can contact Tabibi with any questions concerning your child or you as a parent. Our team of doctors and nurses will assess how you feel, and based on that, we can then help you more accurately with your needs. We have best in class pediatricians that will have your and your baby’s health as their top priority.

Wait for part two next month!

This article was brought to you by Tabibi 24/7, Cairo’s leading Family Medicine & Pediatrics group practice. Tabibi operates 24/7 and offers its services at the comfort of your own home or in one of its clinics.
For more information, call 16724 or visit

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