MINDFULNESS: The Art Of Deliberate Living

Mindfulness! This word seems to follow us everywhere lately, doesn’t it? Firstly, let us dig into the very meaning of its essence.

By Olesia Dovzhenko

Mindfulness – is the science and art of managing one’s awareness. This is an effective method of developing conscious skills for managing attention and shaping attitudes to overcome stress and form vitality.

Simply put: mindfulness is the exercise for your brain that builds your actions and reactions to anything life throws at you!Mindfulness

Nowadays, this science is widely practiced by psychologists, therapists, trainers, teachers, leaders, and highly popular individuals in order to effectively manage stressful situations by keeping balance and harmony with themselves and the world around them.

When is it a good idea to study and apply mindfulness practice?
  • If you are tired of endless streams of information, intrusive advertising or digital brainwashing
  • If you notice yourself living only in the past /future and you wish to cultivate a focus on the present moment; to finally live “here and now”
  • If you developed any psychosomatic disorders/disease by being in a constant state of overthinking, negativity and stress
  • If you wish to change your attitudes, thoughts and behaviors

Re-assess Your Values to Live a More Aligned Life

Do any of these points sound like you?

The upcoming are suggestions in the form of steps to help you start practicing mindfulness. Now, read through these steps, identify which actions fit you most right now and start putting them into practice.

Always know that it takes a great amount of time and patience to start mastering these described actions. Remember, you are re-framing your conscious! Excitement, desire and discipline can boost your productivity in this subject Big Time!

Wake Up With a Purpose.

Set an intention you’re most aligned with right now. Only good vibrational feelings should be present during this exercise. The best ways: repeated mantra, meditation, notebook writing, prayer and visualization.

Savor Each Moment.

Most of the time, we catch ourselves being on autopilot whilst managing our daily routine. Instead, try to develop a “being here and now” attitude. As an example, enjoy every mouthful – let your mind go through the plate, the cutlery, the flavors that trigger your senses.

Feel each bite, each sound, each tasting palette it has to offer.

Create New Patterns.

MindfulnessRewire your brain, if you feel attached to certain habitudes. Discover new places, meet new people, taste new food, take the lessons you’ve always wanted, be it singing, dancing, cooking – the whole world is there for you! Create new ways, new experiences, new regimes to follow, eliminating bad habits. Step by step.

Living with Mindfulness

Activate Your Muscles.

Physical exercise can boost and refresh your mind. Find your favorite type of sport and commit to it!

Observe Your Thoughts.

If you catch yourself on thoughts that are giving you bad inner feelings, make a deliberate effort to switch your attention to something pleasant. Observe your thoughts with no further judgment and take responsibility to choose what to think and hence how to feel.

Notice Your Sensations.

Allow your feelings and sensations to come and go, release the judgment and gift acceptance to anything you feel.

Notice Your Breathing.

Throughout the day, intentionally stop doing anything you do for a minute or two, concentrate only on your breathing. It will ground you in no time!

From this very moment, you have explored the ways to get closer to inner harmony. Here, with these simple yet effective techniques you will be able to control your thoughts, hence, meet life outcomes that you so dearly desire! Good luck on your journey to mastering mindfulness practice.

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*This article is for informational purposes only. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your therapist for more information