8 Ways to Keep Safe During New Year’s Eve Gatherings

Nearly two years into the pandemic, cases are resurging in some parts of the world, and with the holiday season approaching fast, it is useful to remind ourselves of ways to be safe.

Whether you are celebrating New Year’s Eve at a party or having a small get-together, here are 8 ways to keep you safe.

By: Hana Abdelaziz

Limit the number of guests

Limiting the number of guests makes a difference. As you are not only protecting yourself but also the people surrounding you. In some countries, like Canada, stated to only have 5 or 10 maximum aloud. Outdoor gatherings are a better option to keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe.

Wear your masks

It is frustrating, we know. But it makes a difference in the rapidity of contamination. So, consider styling or glamming your masks to match your outfits, which helps keep it on.

Open the windows for ventilation

Even with a mask on, opening a window is valid. Ventilation circulating the area you are in helps create fresh air coming in and out to breathe better. Remember that germs live in stuffy areas!

Sanitize surfaces and your hands

No matter how many times you have used any of the objects or things you have touched, it is crucial to keep a sanitizer with you at all times. A creative way to keep your sanitizer with you is to use a key chain and chain it to your handbag.

Wash your hands frequently

It seems that the virus has reminded everyone of basic hygiene.

You never know what was on surfaces you have touched or people you have shaken hands with. So, washing your hands just one time won’t be enough. You need to wash them frequently, please.

Don’t get too cozy with strangers

Whether you are celebrating the New Year at home or outside, smaller gatherings in spaces that allow you to keep physical distance are safer. But if you can’t, then at least stay close to the group you came with and try not to get too close to strangers.

Take vitamins before going out

Vitamins and immunity booster shots may just be the key to a better option from getting sick (it is for sure not the cure for covid-19 but will surely help the immunity system). They will most definitely give you the energy you need to help boost you up when feeling fatigued.

Don’t go out if feeling sick or unwell

Be honest with yourself and with others. If you are not feeling well, it is not worth a party or an outing, especially if you are putting yourself and others in danger. There will be more parties in the future but not you if you don’t have the proper rest that is needed.

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