Art Scene


for November 2015


Artist: Taha Hussein  

When: 25th  October – 7th December2015

Address: 8, Champollion St. Downtown

Details: Drawing on a great and rich repository of years lived.  A successful symbiosis of overview and proximity; both leave their traces in his oeuvre. The overarching imagistic world and the place of their origin fade into one another. The curtain behind the dining table and the view from the window which is veiled by closed curtains. An underlying ambient hum, known for years, hardly perceived anymore. In this manner, the ambience, the place of creation take hold in the greater imagistic contexts which are thus imbued with all the more authenticity, since, while they originate here, they point much further – to the realm of great art.



Artist: Maged Mekhail  “Many Rivers To Cross”

When: 12th October – 15th November 2015

Address: 8 El Kamel Mohamed St., Zamalek

Details: Many Rivers To Cross is, in part, a tribute to our ancient collective past that forms who we are today. Ever since he carved his own place in contemporary Egyptian art, thirty-three year old Maged Mekhail has sought to say something, many things indeed, hoping that, whether we cross or not, our pride will keep us alive.


Safarkhan Gallery

Artist: Mohamed Monaiseer

When: 26th October – 14th November

Address: 6, Brazil St., Zamalek

Details:Monaiseer expresses another unique concept “Barzakh” through abstract calligraphy and relevant symbols over large treated, sometimes distressed natural fabrics using mixed medias of inks and chemicals only known to the artists as much as his writings.

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