Crave: Beat the Heat with a Cool Drink!


As you lose water to dehydration, your body temperature rises, so replacing fluids is essential to keeping cool. Avoid beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine, or lots of sugar as they cause dehydration. Opt instead for hydrating foods like salads and fruits. Try a smoothie for lunch, and add more fruits and vegetables to all your meals. Watermelon is a great summer fruit as it has the greatest water content of any food out there.

Eat light. There’s a reason we reach for salads in the summer. They’re easier to digest than a fatty hamburger, which leaves you feeling sluggish in the high heat. Instead, go for fruits and vegetables, they’re watery and help keep you hydrated and cooler.

When you’re sweating a lot, either because of exercise or summer heat, drinking enough water becomes even more important

A freshly squeezed juice or a freshly blended smoothie can also keep you refreshed and quenched, try this Vimtojito and make it your 2019 staple summer drink!



Vimto syrup
6 tablespoons fresh lime juice
12 mint sprigs, or spearmint. 8 roughly broken apart
Club soda
Mojito syrup
Sweet & sour mix
4 slices lime
Cotton candy and fresh mint leaves for garnish (Optional)


– Place ice in beverage shaker then add mojito syrup, 8 broken up mint sprigs, lime juice, sugar and the sweet and sour mix. Shake well and serve over ice. Top off each glass with a splash of club soda

-Garnish with cotton candy on the top and fresh mint leaves

Mojito syrup

Mix 1 cup water with 1 cup sugar in a saucepan and heat until boiling.

Stir until the sugar dissolves (about a minute). Then turn off the heat. Toss in a handful of mint leaves and let it steep (just sit there off the heat) for an hour or so. Strain out the leaves.

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