8 Tips for Morning After Recovery

Who doesn’t love December, when party season comes into its own. Can you stand the pace, or are you feeling a little ragged around the edges? Try our favorite standbys and boogie on!

Love your liver: Soothe your liver and calm your digestive functions with a chicory and artichoke herbal tea.  It will help you get rid of any toxins built up by overindulging in food and drink, and will boost your bile production.

Sleep: Catch up on quality sleep with a spoonful of raw honey before bed. It will help to restore glycogen to your brain, as well as help release melatonin – both stress reducers.

Breakfast: Tempting as it may be, don’t rush out the door without a good breakfast. Eggs are great, along with a balanced mix of carbohydrates, other proteins and fats. Avoid orange juice if you are a bit queasy, it is quite acidic. Pear juice is a good alternative if you can get your hands on some.

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water, especially at night before you sleep and first thing in the morning. A squeeze of fresh lemon in the morning helps to clean out the system.

Vitamin B and Vitamin C: A tablet of Vitamin B and C or a large salad with dark green leafy vegetables will help ward off the worst effects of overindulgence.

Soothe your eyes: Banish dark circles and puffiness with cool slices of cucumber. Used tea bags work a treat as well, as they are slightly astringent and will tighten the skin.

Pamper yourself: Take time for a herbal bath or a good long shower, then be generous with the body lotion. It will perk up your mood to no end and get you back on track.


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