3 Words of Advice from Anissa Hassouna


Parliamentarian, Academic, Banker and Mother

Keeping Family, Career and the Magdi Yacoub Foundation Close to Her Heart

 Anissa Hassouna has mastered the art of dividing her time between high-powered, demanding roles in our society and raising a family so well it serves as an inspiration to many. Cairo West Magazine finds out how she manages to handle such a demanding schedule in a one-on-one with Hassouna.

CWM: What are the biggest challenges of following a career and raising children?
AH: To keep the right balance in allocating the hours of the day between motherhood and your profession, definitely being a mother always comes first as the top priority.

What are the 3 most important things a working mother should always make time for?
Listening to your children, attending their school events and birthday parties and being there at bedtime.

How do you keep a family close when everyone has a busy schedule?
When they are still living at home you should make sure that you all meet at the end of day to exchange news about the day and consult on everything. When they move to their own homes you must call regularly and be keen to have weekly lunches with every one present, and travel together whenever possible to enjoy shared vacations.

What woman inspires you and why?
My mother. She was my role model, a strong, loving woman who raised four girls and supported her husband unconditionally in both good and bad times, in sickness, and in health.

What parenting advice would you give?
Enjoy every precious moment with your children while they are growing up, their first smile, step, word, hug, kiss…etc., time flies faster than we think and they become grownups overnight.






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