From The Experts: How Our Enneagram Reflects and Develops Us


Last month presented an unmissable chance for the community to learn more about the enneagram and the science behind it when practitioners from all over the globe converged in Cairo to attend the 2022 IEA Conference.

From newcomers looking for an overview of how the science can be used as a tool to gain deeper personal insight, to adepts who have been applying the knowledge to enrich their lives, the meetings were well attended and dynamic.

Cairo West was proud to act as Media Sponsor for the event and seized the opportunity to chat with several of the local and visiting international speakers to learn more.

Claudia Nario

Claudia, what was your main motivation to attend this enneagram conference in Egypt?

I wanted to connect to the enneagram community in Egypt as I see it has been growing and gaining a lot of strength. I am also a great admirer of Egyptian culture. Last time the conference took place here I was not able to attend, so this time, in spite of the pandemic, I really wanted to be here.

How does this event differ from any other enneagram event you have attended?

Hmm… that is a good question. It some ways it is similar in that it respects the general spirit and the logic of an enneagram event that is properly IEA, but I really feel that there is some local spice. People have been very warm and welcoming. I sense there is something in the culture here that I had not met before that makes it different. 

Flemming Christensen

IEAIs this your first time to attend an enneagram event in Egypt?

No, I attended in 2019, when I was the head of presentations.

Why the decision to come back as a speaker this time?

Oh, many reasons. I like to come here and there seems to be an intention behind the whole group to make people feel good, to feel well, and that’s a big part of it. Well, I like my topic. I think it is an important topic, and this gives the opportunity to share what I have experienced and what I know.

Can you give us an idea about your topic?

I think there is a relationship between our core type, I am a Type 3, and the low parts of the types of the enneagram, so my low would be a Type 7, so that makes me a particular kind of Type 3.

Russ Hudson

IEAIs this your first time at an enneagram conference in Egypt?

No, I was here as the keynote speaker in the conference in 2020, a couple of years ago. I think that was our first one here.

Why did you decide to attend this one?

Well, because I love to come to Egypt. I come to Egypt nearly every year, but also as I am one of the main people to start the enneagram field, I want to support these conferences. I especially want to support this one in Egypt.

How do you think this event differs from any other enneagram event you have attended?

It is wonderful to be here in Egypt because this is one of the places the enneagram teachings come from. There has been a very high level of presentations and talks, they have all been very interesting, about the science, the history, the background. It has not been a superficial conference. We have been going into great depth and that makes me very happy.

Yasmine Sahel

Is this the first time you have attended an enneagram conference?

Yes, it is the first time. I am in love with the enneagram and having the chance to meet these international speakers, and also being lucky to be a speaker too, is a very special thing. The IEA is a very trustworthy organization; I have been waiting for this for a long time.

What makes this event different from others you have attended?

It’s unique in that it combines different speakers, from different schools, nationalities and backgrounds in one place. It is amazing to see people both speaking and learning at the same time. It is an exceptional event.


Is this your first time at an enneagram conference in Egypt?

No, this is my second time. I was part of the organizing committee in 2020, and I was in charge of the speakers. I have also attended conferences abroad, including one in Portugal.

How is this different from any other event you have attended?

We worked very hard to make it happen, what with the challenge of Covid-19. We had a very strong belief that we wanted to do a face-to-face event. It is different because it is Egyptian, and the purpose is to grow the community of the enneagram in Egypt.

We are happy that since the last event in 2020 we have a lot more participation as speakers from Egyptians. We provided them with the possibility of being mentored by international speakers, and this encouraged people to attend and take part in the conference.

Why do you think it is important for people to understand more about the enneagram?

The enneagram is a very powerful, true and authentic tool for working on yourself, for getting rid of all the blocks and seeing yourself as you really are, not just as you would like to be.

Tamer Zanaty

Have you attended the IEA conference in the past?

This is the second time. I attended the first conference as well, where I was a part of the organizing team. This time I am attending as a speaker and a participant.

What made you choose to attend as a speaker this time?

First of all, this is the first IEA conference since the outbreak of the pandemic, so I was really eager to connect with the community in person. And especially that there are international members of the community attending the conference.

Second, I really wanted to present a topic that I thought was important for the community, it will add something to the other presentations. Also, I have always supported the IEA here in Egypt, so I wanted to be here to show that support. 

Why is it important for people to understand more about the enneagram?

It is an interesting system to understand human nature. The more we understand our human nature and the human nature of others, the more we can develop ourselves to achieve objectives and create healthier relationships.

I would also like to thank the organizing team for the great work they are doing in very challenging times. It is really first-class organization of the conference, not just in my opinion but as voiced by all the international attendees.

They loved the conference and the level of professionalism, the opportunity to connect on a human level, o I would thank every single member of the organizing team for the great work they have done.

Know Yourself… A Glimpse on the Enneagram

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